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Mix-it-up Pickleball Event Signup

MIX-IT-UP Pickleball REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Click Mix-it-up Pickleball Event Signup to register. Registration is limited to the first 12 men and 12 women. Out of courtesy to others, please only register yourself. Event: Team Mixed Doubles (everyone plays 6 games) Date/Time: Saturday, November 4, 2023 8:00 Doors Open/Donuts and Coffee 8:15 Drawing for Partners 8:30 Play Starts 12:00 Play Ends/ Prizes Awarded Location: Senior Center Entrants: 12 men 12 women (max) Teams: 4 teams (3 pairs of mixed doubles per team) Partners/Teams: Determined by random drawing morning of event. Cost: $10.00 per person (to be paid day of event) Scoring: Play to 9 points. MUST BE A CURRENT (2023-2024) SOUTH HAVEN PICKLEBALL MEMBER TO ENTER. To become a member, or to check your membership status, go to Questions: Tricia Hudson 248-225-9836 or Jim Slattery 219-238-8826


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