Calling all Club members and players,
Our annual South Haven Pickleball Club meeting is scheduled for August 29th at 7:00 pm. The location is the Senior Center Auditorium. This will be an election meeting for board positions.
We are looking for board nominations for the Vice President, Treasurer and 3 At-large directors.
There are vacancies in the Vice President and 1 At-Large Director positions. Mike Marcus, Jim Robinson and Rosemary Fitzer have agreed to be on the ballot for another term as Treasurer and At-large Directors respectively. We would like to get an At-Large Director who has website development or management experience.
Nominations must be submitted to the Board via email, southhavenpickleballclub@gmail.com, by August 15, which is 14 days prior to the annual summer meeting. Nominees may include their short bios and qualifications which shall be sent by email to the membership prior to the meeting. Vice-President: Assume duties of President if the President is absent, assist the President in all SHPC activities.
Treasurer: Collect dues and special assessments; disburse funds as directed by the Board; provide a written financial report at each Board meeting; provide a verbal financial report at the annual summer membership meeting; maintain complete records of all income and expenses, including the SHPC checkbook; maintain and update SHPC’s membership lists; and transfer all records to successor at end of term.
At-Large Directors: Attend Board and general meetings and head/serve on committees as designated by the Board. All are welcome to attend but since this is a voting member meeting, only members paid in the 2023-24 year will be allowed to vote. Mike Sawyer SHPC